Today, you will be strong and know you are beautiful.
The anonymous note wasn’t for me — but I read it anyway before putting it in the correct mailbox. A few lines, elegantly scrawled, each word carrying an undeniable charge. When the next one came, I read that one, too.
What began as a simple exchange of instructions quickly grew into a seductive game I couldn’t ignore. Each new note pushed the boundaries further—more daring, more intense, more arousing. And with each command, I obeyed…willingly.
Someone else’s fantasies became my own…until I decided it was time to switch the roles.
Now, I’m the one in control.
And I’m not about to give it up.
don’t think don’t question just do
The anonymous note wasn’t for me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not in the habit of reading other people’s mail, but it was just a piece of paper with a few lines scrawled on it, clearly meant for the apartment upstairs. It looked so innocent, but decidedly—deliciously—it was not.
Before replacing the note—and the ones that followed—in its rightful slot, I devoured its contents: suggestions, instructions, commands. Each was more daring, more intricate and more arousing than the last…and I followed them all to the letter.
Before the notes, if a man had told me what to do, I’d have told him where to go. But submission is an art, and there’s something oddly freeing about doing someone’s bidding…especially when it feels so very, very good. But I find that the more I surrender, the more powerful I feel—so it’s time to switch up roles.
We play by my rules now.
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